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Entries in marketing (12)


Brand Focus: Getting to the point

The third in a three-part series on best practices to focus your brand's offer and communication.

Five filters to sharpen your communication's focus.

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Brand Focus: The fear factor

The second in a three-part series on best practices to focus your brand's offer and communication.

One of the primary tasks of strategic marketing is helping brands focus both their message and their target audience.

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Brand Focus: It's just good customer service

The first in a three-part series on best practices to focus your brand's offer and communication.

One day I decided I needed a bluetooth headset. So I popped into my local phone shop to pick one up. I was confronted with a wall of over 30 identical-looking, PVC blister-packed, bluetooth headsets. "Which is best for me?" I wondered.

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Getting your brand found online

There are only three ways new prospects can find your brand online, be sure to use all of them.

So you have set up a brand website with helpful content for your prospects, perhaps you have an online store, your CEO posts weekly to your thought leader blog...


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The fallacy of global brand positioning

Is it really possible to define a brand position that works globally?

When Jack Trout and Al Ries penned the marketing classic, "Positioning the Battle for Your Mind," most of the examples they used in support of their theory were domestic US cases. That never occurred to me until I began developing positioning statements for global brands. It wasn’t going well.

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If the traditional ad agency is dead, what will take its place? 

It was 17 years ago this month that McKinsey & Company published a strategy paper called “A revolution in interaction”. It was a look forward at the likely economic impact of the internet and the mechanisms that would drive it. In 1997 few of us had any idea about the changes that were about to transform marketing or how quickly the business models that defined our industry would become obsolete.

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The problem with passion

Wanting to do something with all your heart is great. It can bestow extraordinary focus, drive and fortitude. That’s always been the case. But in recent years this sentiment is increasingly being confused with business strategy. The word used to fuel this fallacy is “passion”.

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Why content marketing is more than publishing content

The Cure for Content: Part II (read part I)

If content is really king then why do most organizations still treat it like the court jester?


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Brand Beyoncé shows marketers how it's done

Beyoncé’s latest album release shows us how audience power is changing the rules of marketing and creating new possibilities for brands - if you are able to see it

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Why games make sense for brands online

If you have ever lived with a two-year old, then you probably know that a) anything can be turned into a game and b) it’s often the most powerful tactic you have to motivate new behaviors. What you may not have considered is that our predilection for games doesn’t really go away when we get older. Thus, the rise in recent years of “Gamification”.

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Steve Wozniak on Marketing

While there isn't a tech CEO I've met who would refute this simple truth, very few are able to embrace it, no less practice it. Why is that? 

The Apple co-founder went on to attribute Apple's success to a conscious decision to be a "market-led" company as opposed to a tech-led company. This seemed to be in Steve Job's DNA.


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Social Media Mantra

Before you even think about online networking for your brand, I suggest the following exercise. First, take your shoes off. Close the blinds and dim the lights in your office. Sit on the floor cross-legged. Place your hands on your knees palms up if you are alone, join hands in a circle if your colleagues are with you. Close your eyes and recite the social media mantra:

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